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About us

What we do

Climate Catalyst sparks collective action to tackle the biggest climate challenges we face today. We believe in the ingenuity of the climate community and support the incredible work already happening across civil society and the private sector. But we know the climate crisis needs all of us, so we bring new organisations in to further strengthen our collective power.

Our model for change

During this phase, we conduct research and speak to experts from across sectors and geographies to narrow in on critical climate issues where action to date has been limited. We match this analysis with where our collaborative model and our team’s skill-set could bring fresh momentum and resources. At the end of this phase, we will have narrowed down to one or two issues.

Here is where we bring together key organisations already working on our shortlist of topics, in addition to new allies interested in or critical to these issues. We hold individual conversations; we arrange workshops and planning sessions; we listen, we learn, and we iterate with fresh ideas. This is where we design our potential collaboration, including co-designing strategies, setting objectives and identifying measures of success.

Now the real work begins! We ensure that ideas turn into impact, work with core partners and the new allies that we have brought together. We advise on strategy design, offer grants where additional resources can unlock fresh momentum, and provide our expertise on creative communications, advocacy, research and private sector action to help meet our shared goals. We share our learnings as we go, iterating our work and our partnerships to keep hitting our goals .

We work with whoever unlocks the necessary action for change. Our partners include environmental organisations, workers groups, community organisers and many more. We also tap into the power and ingenuity of the private sector, bringing in investor and business organisations, as well as progressive businesses and financial institutions. 

Working separately can only get us so far. That’s why we not only work with a wide range of organisations,  but also try to break down the silos across the climate community. We want to connect the dots between the brilliant work that is taking place, and mobilise new organisations to work together.

We work in two countries in Asia: India and Indonesia. In India we work with partners on steel decarbonisation. We are currently consulting partners on our focus in Indonesia.

We take a regional focus, developing strategies at European level and then focusing on specific EU countries and the UK where there is high potential for impact.

We can catalyse your work

Are you a civil society or private sector organisation that could benefit from connecting and collaborating with businesses in order to drive meaningful change?

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